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ADA Custom Color Signs

Attractive Alternative Colors Available For Our Most Popular ADA Signs

Our ADA Alternative color material can be used to create tactile and braille exit signs and ADA restroom signage compliant with California Title 24. Using alternative ADA signage colors helps to express your business’s personality in ways that a typical sign cannot. In some cases, the typical blue or black ADA braille sign simply wouldn’t work aesthetically with the theming of your building. Businesses and property owners know the importance of using a consistent color scheme to help reinforce their branding. Color is a great tool to use to bring cohesion to your messaging and to bring attention to any key details that you’d want your customers and guest to notice. Colorful ADA signs provide guidance and direction to locate important exits, stairways, or office rooms and are essential to avoid any unnecessary confusion. There is nothing wrong with the traditional standard blue and black colors you see used in typical ADA Restroom and Exit Signs at restaurants or public buildings. But if you want your building to make a great first impression on your guests, consider using our custom alternative color options to really help your business or property stand out. Listed below is our most popular ADA Signs available in a wide range of alternate color options. Don't see the color you are looking for? Click HERE to see our full selection of custom colors. For a quote, please email us at or you can call us at 888-931-1793.

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Regulations The Americans with Disabilities Act Must Follow For ADA Compliance

Our selection of Custom Color ADA Signage is meant for designating permanent rooms, entrances and/or exits to and from the building. The signs must meet strict specifications for such features as tactile text, Braille and pictograms. Check out our brief explanation of some of the regulations for these features in the following information.

  • Text: The minimum requirements of the depth of tactile text on our signs is 1/32 inch or .08 mm. Specifications for the letter height of this text range from 5/8 inch up to 2 inches or 16 mm to 51 mm depending on the dimensions of the sign. In addition, The Americans with Disabilities Act specifies that only uppercase letters are allowable along with the San Serif style of font. Other in-depth specifications also apply, but this provides you the basic idea.

  • Braille: The Blind and people who have vision impairment can thank Louis Braille for the convenience Braille provides them in reading text in a number of different formats, including our Custom Color Signage. He is the one who first perfected this method of tactile reading for the blind and vision-impaired. Louis was blind most of his life, but at 15 years of age after years of work, he developed the modern Braille system. Today, more than one method of Braille is in use, but The Americans with Disabilities Act requires domed, Grade-2 Braille on our Signs. All other styles of Braille will cause you to fail your inspections for ADA compliance.

  • Pictograms: Pictograms are simply symbols on a sign to depict a message in a non-textual fashion. With some of our Custom Color Signage, The Americans with Disabilities Act also requires tactile text along with Braille or at least, tactile text. Other times just the pictogram signs are sufficient for ADA compliance. One important pictogram that you need to display separately, or as part of an handicap sign, is the ISA Symbol which stands for the International Symbol of Accessibility. The symbol includes a wheelchair with a person in it. In addition, the ADA has a minimum size requirement of 6 inches x 6 inches when the ISA is on display without text or Braille with it. You can view examples of these pictograms in our ADA Signs at our website.

Custom ADA Alternative Colors Represent Real Value With Uncompromising Quality

When you order Custom Color ADA Signs from our website, you can trust not only the quality of their build, but also the fact that they will help your building pass ADA inspections. Work with an ADA specialist to understand all the types of signs that you will require to pass inspection in your state. After this, browse through our website to order your Custom Color ADA Signs or contact us at 1-888-931-1793 to speak with one of our skilled staff members.
