Believe it or not, the Do Not Enter Sign did not exist on freeway on ramps on the nation’s first freeways. Numerous head on collisions on the freeway on ramps and other divided highways led to the development of the R5-1 Do Not Enter and the R5-1a Wrong Way signs. The FHWA list these signs as selective inclusion signs and their placement are important.
The Standard set by the MUTCD is the R5-1 shall be used where traffic is prohibited from entering a restricted roadway. The MUTCD Guidance states:
The above guidance should be followed by private property owners’ especially high volume parking lots. In the case of private property signage, it does not have to be same size as road 36” R5-1 signs. Typically, a 24” or 18” R5-1 can be used, but it is recommended, since it is a vital regulatory sign, to use a High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting sign.