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Custom Braille Signage for the State of California and Beyond

- 1/24/2014 3:41:41 PM

The state of California is very much like its own country. With a diverse population of 38M (according to the most recent government census) and a gross state product (GSP) of almost $2 trillion (rivaling Spain and Italy), the Golden State is in many ways like a country within a country. Add to this the fact that the state has many of its own laws, regulations, and enforcements, and it is no wonder why the notion of California being its own country is such a common one. 

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Stay Ahead of New Security Developments with ADA Luminescent Signs

- 1/15/2014 10:24:57 AM
When it comes to following trends in building and facility safety, it often pays dividends to get out in front of it rather than lag behind. This way, you are already where you need to be while others are scrambling to play catch up. This is particularly true when keeping the business or municipality you manage in compliance with state and federal ADA compliance laws. Though not yet required in all states, the New York City Department of Buildings (Local Law 26) now requires use of ADA compliant luminous signs. The local fire and safety officials believe the new ADA luminescent signs provide an array of safety benefits not available in signs that are either lighted by electricity or not lighted at all. 
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Post the Proper ADA Decals and Gain Protection from Reckless Lawsuits

- 1/9/2014 10:55:53 AM
Most business owners are law-abiding citizens who pay taxes, follow legal guidelines and do what they can to create an environment that is safe and secure. Yet sometimes, government regulators and law makers can get carried away creating regulations and guidelines that cause more problems than they solve. One such example is ADA compliance regulations, including ADA signage, handicapped decals, braille signage and much more.
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How to Apply for a Handicapped Parking Permit

- 1/6/2014 12:18:06 PM

When it comes to the rights and regulations of those with handicaps or disabilities, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Whether it is spread from anonymous online chat rooms or water cooler gossip, many people do not know the actual rules about the criteria for meeting handicap or disabled parking permit requirements.

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Protect Your Investment with Anti Theft Hardware

- 12/13/2013 2:50:05 PM

For business owners and municipalities alike, it can be frustrating to order and install much-needed property and parking lot signs only to have those items destroyed by vandals. It is costly and time-consuming to replace such damaged signs. For those who choose not to replace those damaged signs, they can become eyesores inviting more vandalism negatively affecting the overall property.

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An Update on ADA Pads for Small Business Owners

- 12/12/2013 2:00:36 PM

Sometimes government regulations and the larger small business community don’t see eye-to-eye on issues, and this is especially true with it comes to new policies and enforcements with the American with Disabilities Act. Though the vast majority of small business owners support the spirit of the law, providing fair access to people with disabilities, some laws and regulations have complicated nuances that challenge easy compliance.

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